-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Intersection table demo - tested on Oracle 12c
-- S Binder 2017-03-05
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- create the parent tables and the intersection, including
-- all PKs and FKs
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
drop table visitor cascade constraints;
drop table event cascade constraints;
drop table uniqueticket cascade constraints;
create table visitor (
vid varchar2(1) primary key
create table event (
eid number primary key
-- intersection table
-- using Oracle's inline FK syntax...
create table uniqueticket (
vid varchar2(1) constraint fk1 references visitor(vid),
eid number constraint fk2 references event(eid)
alter table uniqueticket
add constraint upk
primary key (vid, eid);
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- populate the parent tables
-- chr(x) -> returns character based on x (ASCII)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
for i in 1 .. 26
insert into visitor values (chr(i+64));
insert into event values (i);
end loop;
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- populate the intersection table:
-- use a cross join (cartesian product) for retrieving/generating
-- all possible combinations of vid and eid
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
for rec in (
select * from visitor, event
insert into uniqueticket values (rec.vid, rec.eid);
end loop;
Alternative code (principle: use SQL instead of PL/SQL whenever possible ... ):
insert into uniqueticket select * from visitor, event;
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
select distinct count(*) from uniqueticket; -- 676 rows!
-- Trying to insert any combination into uniqueticket FAILS now!
-- All possible combinations are already stored in the
-- intersection table (uniquetickets).